Why You Need To Understand The Causes of Cellulite

Everybody in the Western world has heard of cellulite, and the ones who have to deal with it the most are women. It’s often associated with being overweight, but the fact is that you can have it even if you’re thin. There are many possible causes of cellulite, including genetic factors, hormones and lifestyle. In this article we’ll be taking a look at some of the causes of cellulite so you can more easily control it.

Believe it or not, but did you know that what you wear may have a bearing on whether or not you develop cellulite. The key point with this is the clothing is way too tight, worn too often, and thus negatively impacting blood circulation. Wearing any type of clothing such as underwear or pants that are tight can limit the blood flow and can therefore be causing the problem or making it worse. It is easy to rotate the clothing you wear, so just wear looser fitting under garments and outerwear. Another point is that some people are more prone to developing cellulite and are thus more susceptible. It is believed by some, that exercising or exerting yourself too much, will actually give you worse cellulite. This can be frustrating to learn, as we are constantly told that we need to exercise and it seems contradictory that exercising too much can be harmful. Many people, who are researchers, have discovered that exercising too hard could cause the build up of free radicals, molecules that can be harmful to the body. When you exercise too hard, you can cause dehydration, which can cause cellulite because there is not enough water in the cells. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise, but that a moderate amount of exercise may be healthier than an excessive amount. It’s best to exercise consistently without overexerting yourself.

Free radicals are one of the causes of cellulite because these unstable molecules bond with other molecules and cause aging, many diseases as well as problems such as cellulite.

Stress, overeating, allergies, infections and lack of sleep can all contribute to the buildup of free radicals in our bodies. On the other hand, they can be controlled by getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, getting the right amount of exercise and taking nutritional supplements such as antioxidants. Since we are talking about lifestyle changes, then all we can do is present information, and what you do is your decision.

Cellulite has many causes, and the above are some of the most common ones. You can successfully treat your own condition if you are disciplined enough. You can certainly minimize it if not totally eradicate it if you work at it. Understanding the causes of cellulite is the first step to learning how to control it.

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